Thursday, February 25, 2010

LOVE(an excerpt from articles written by Dr Hamdi Muhammad Jawhari, UK)

According to Islamic teaching, the minimum expectation from believers is that God should have the first place in their heart, in the sense that no other love may override one's love for God; God should be the highest and foremost object of love.

The Noble Qur'an says:
Say: If your fathers and your sons and your brethren and your mates and your kinsfolk and property which you have acquired, and the slackness of trade which you fear and dwellings which you like, are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger and striving in His way, then wait till Allah brings about His command: and Allah does not guide the transgressing people. (Surah Al-Tawba, 9:24)

(Terjemahan Bahasa Melayu)
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Jika bapa-bapa kamu, dan anak-anak kamu, dan saudara-saudara kamu, dan isteri- isteri (atau suami-suami) kamu, dan kaum keluarga kamu, dan harta benda yang kamu usahakan, dan perniagaan yang kamu bimbang akan merosot, dan rumah- rumah tempat tinggal yang kamu sukai, - (jika semuanya itu) menjadi perkara-perkara yang kamu cintai lebih daripada Allah dan RasulNya dan (daripada) berjihad untuk ugamaNya, maka tunggulah sehinggga Allah mendatangkan keputusanNya (azab seksaNya) kerana Allah tidak akan memberi pertunjuk kepada orang-orang yang fasik (derhaka).(Surah At-taubah : 24)

Why should we love Him in the first place?

In one of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) we are told that, "God is more loving and kinder than a mother to her dear child."

Prophet Muhammad (saw),also said: "Love Allah (SWT) because He has done good to you and He has bestowed favours upon you."

"Whatever benefit comes to you (O man!), it is from God, and whatever misfortune befalls you, it is from yourself" (Surah An-Nisa, 4:79)